Avoiding Common Mistakes in Board Directors Meetings

A well-run board director meeting allows your board to make informed and ethical decisions. The board must be able to read documents, participate in discussions and reach a common understanding on difficult issues. The meeting needs to be documented appropriately, allowing for future reference and compliance. The process could be difficult to navigate but it is vital that the board makes the most of their time and resources.

Board work can be thrilling, taxing, and tedious all at once. To keep meetings productive, it is important to avoid these common mistakes.

1. Re-examination of discussion points from previous meetings

Reliving the discussions from the previous board meeting will take up time and distract you from the most important agenda items. Getting sidetracked by discussions on new topics can hinder your progress towards the goals of the board for the meeting. If you must discuss the topic that was not originally on the agenda, then have the group agree to bring it to the end of the meeting, with the agreement to review and reconsider whether the topic should be researched further, added to the next agenda or assigned as the task.

2. Information sharing is too much

Board members should be well-informed. However the information that is provided to them is not a comprehensive list of all the data available. Instead it should be a comprehensive set of documents that encourages constructive discussion and questions. It may sound like the board is acting as a pre-school teacher but it allows them to concentrate on the crucial decisions.
